
腾哥宏观点评:英语难度持平往年中,阅读选择有陷阱,填空改错难度不算大,虽说题量减少了,词性替换还是老大难,作文重现去年6月题,数学难度超去年,选择填空有新题,耗尽考生太多时,可惜后面三大题(圆 几何探究 二次函数),看似熟悉,拿全却不易。插班考试数学怪,部分知识有超纲,考生千言苦语说不出,一切尽在不言中,如有困惑无法泄,来找腾哥帮你解。






A man without an education, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances, deprived of one of the greatest opportunities. The contrivance of the Internet has greatly revolutionized mode of education.People have been debating for years of the pros and cons of distance learning without reaching any definite agreement. Personally, tele-education does diversify people’s option of acquiring knowledge and enjoy some merits, yet, the benefits are dwarfed by the troubles it brings along.  


contrivance 发明;revolutionize  v深刻改变;diversify  v 使多元化;acquire knowledge v 学习知识;A is dwarfed by B,B使得A相形见绌



Seen from the positive aspects, some virtues could be gained via on-line education. First,distance education reduces the need of the presence of teachers, however, widely popularizes exceptional educational resources.More precisely, one can avail himself of rich on-line courses as long as he gets enrolled in the university.Meanwhile, audio and video files can be constantly repeated. Besides, on-line education not only saves the trouble of commuting but also provides flexible way of learning. In this sense, it is especially suitable for special learning group, sick students, disabled self-learners and occupied employees could serve as good examples. 

难词讲解:exceptional 优秀的;flexible way of learning 灵活的学习方式;occupied 繁忙的;



Problems, however, inevitably ensue. Initially, it is highly possible that some young computer learners might fail to excel academically due to the fact that they either indulge in on-line games or are distracted by on-line chat room. This is especially true for those who lack self-disincline. Without the ideal atmosphere created by conventional teaching, plenteous learners might end up losing zeal in learning and becoming lazybones. Also,individual learning experience might make young adults become socially inadequate, even isolated and inferior. The Internet might enact the role of facilitating teaching, yet, only educators could enlighten wisdom, kindle study interest and care for spiritual growth. Eventually,the popularity of distance education is a challenge for learners in those poverty-stricken villages or remote rural areas. Traditional classroom education is,virtually, indispensable for those who lack basic skills of computer. 

难词讲解: excel academically 学业优秀;end up doing sth 最终以……为结局;poverty-stricken 贫困的;zeal 热情;lazybones 懒骨头;enlighten wisdom 启迪智慧  



I re-affirm my conviction that online education is only the supplementary tool of conventional education, students ought to receive traditional classroom education.


恭喜腾飞洋教育2016已经成功帮助初三28位学子成功考入华附AP高一班,5名高一学子成功考入华附高二插班,2017年4月16号的考试虽然刚刚过去,录取结果还没有完全公布,但我们坚信今年通过腾飞洋培训通过的国际班学员又将刷新纪录,让我们一起期待和见证吧,腾飞洋教育培训的优势就是通过最顶级的师资+最强大的教学教研实力+性价比最高的课程帮助孩子快速通过入学考试以及出国留学语言考试,最终实现出国留学入读名校的梦想。详情请咨询免费电话400-838-9499或加QQ2571203509 微信号zhangtenglaoshi 免费国际班水平测试地址 广州天河区岗顶龙苑大厦A1座2206。