吃蓝莓, 上京东, 一起来撒野!

Eat Blueberries, go to JD, play wild together!


On July 12, 2017, the frozen wild blueberries from New Brunswick uncovered the mysterious veil to the Chinese consumers on JD platform. Canadian wild blueberries will be seen in a new way in China market.


It is reported that in order to catch the Canada National Day for the Chinese consumers, the first two pallets of frozen blueberries were shipped to China by airfreight, and the 340 g package is tailored to Chinese consumers. Canadian frozen blueberries’ China initial launch is strongly supported by JD and the products will be available online on JD today.


Canadian wild blueberry is small and dark purple in color, and contains large quantity of anthocyanin. Currently most of the wild blueberries products are frozen. Oxford Frozen Foods owns 25,000 acres of farmland  and 20,000 acres of managed land. New additional 15,000 acres farmland in New Brunswick will make New Brunswick the largest wild blueberry growing region in Canada. Oxford processes over 6 million pounds per day during harvest and has over 150 million pounds of frozen storage capacity. The average production per year can reach 175 million pounds.          


Frozen wild blueberries are supplying to global market whole year round, mainly for further processed into products such as jams and beverages. Wild blueberry has double the antioxidants over regular blueberries. Wild blueberries are very suitable for female, senior people and young kids, and are very popular in North American families.        

牛津冷冻食品集团的加拿大冷冻野生蓝莓零售包装京东首发仪式在京东总部大楼举行,加拿大总督和加拿大联邦部长,加拿大驻北京大使馆,新布伦瑞克省政府官员,媒体出席了此次活动。“目前全球超过60%的冷冻野生蓝莓来自本省的Oxford公司,说明我们的产品得到世界的认可,我相信中国将会成为冷冻加拿大野生蓝莓的重要国际市场之一,非常高兴能将新布伦瑞克省高品质的冷冻产品带给中国消费者。”加拿大新布伦瑞克省渔业主任金伯莉·沃森(Kimberly Watson)女士说。

The Canadian frozen wild blueberries’ initial launch with JD will be conducted in the HQ building of JD, the representatives from Canada Embassy, New Brunswick government and media will be present. “Currently over 60% of the frozen wild blueberries are come from Oxford Frozen Foods of our province, which proves that our products are  well received by the global market. I believe that China will become one of the important international markets  for Canadian frozen wild blueberries and I am very pleased that we can bring over the high quality frozen products to China consumers.” Ms. Kimberly Watson, Director of Aquaculture and Fisheries of New Brunswick said so.